

Softonic review

Sortable Time in Audible Wishlist

Sortable Time in Audible Wishlist is a free Chrome add-on developed by mikeserg. It is a useful tool for Audible users who want to organize their wishlist more efficiently. This add-on adds a time column to each page of the Audible Wishlist, allowing users to see the length of each audiobook at a glance.

With Sortable Time in Audible Wishlist, users can easily sort their wishlist items one page at a time. This feature makes it easier to prioritize audiobooks based on their length, helping users decide which ones to listen to first. The add-on also provides updates to improve functionality, such as added support for other countries and fixing bugs that caused sorting to fail.

Overall, Sortable Time in Audible Wishlist is a handy tool for Audible users who want to better organize their wishlist and prioritize their audiobooks based on their length. It is a free add-on available on the Chrome platform.

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